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Practical examples

Reading data from a Mysql database

require_once 'DatabaseConnector/DatabaseConnector.php';
$DB = new DatabaseConnector();
// Connection to a MySql database
if ($DB->ConnectMysql( 'localhost:8080', 'user1', 'password1', 'database1' ) === FALSE)
   // Printing an error message, if an error occured
   echo 'Connection error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
   $Result = $DB->SqlGetLines('SELECT * FROM tbl_user ORDER BY lastname, firstname');
   if ($Result === FALSE)
      echo 'Query error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
   foreach ($Result AS $Row)
      echo $Row['lastname'] . ', ' . $Row['firstname'] . ' (born ' . $Row['birthday'] . ')<br>';

Working with transactions

require_once 'DatabaseConnector/DatabaseConnector.php';
$DB = new DatabaseConnector();
// Connection to a MySql database
if ($DB->ConnectMysql( 'localhost:8080', 'user1', 'password1', 'database1' ) === FALSE)
   // Printing an error message, if an error occured
   echo 'Connection error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
   // Inserting data within a transaction
   $bDoCommit = true;
   foreach ($orderlines AS $Line)
      $iOrder   = Line['order_id'];
      $iArticle = Line['article_id'];
      $iQuant   = Line['quantity'];
      if ($DB->SqlExecute(
            "INSERT INTO pos (orderid, article, quantity) " .
            "VALUES ($iOrder, $iArticle, iQuant)"
          ) === FALSE)
         echo 'Insert error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
         $bDoCommit = false;
   if ($bDoCommit)

Working with prepared Statements

require_once 'DatabaseConnector/DatabaseConnector.php';
$DB = new DatabaseConnector();
// Connection to a MySql database
if ($DB->ConnectMysql( 'localhost:8080', 'user1', 'password1', 'database1' ) === FALSE)
   // Printing an error message, if an error occured
   echo 'Connection error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
   // Example 1 - Working with unnamed placeholders -------------------------------
   // Preparing a statement for getting a user's session id by
   // username and passwort sent with a POST-Request
   $DB->SqlPrepareStatement("SELECT session FROM tbl_users WHERE LOWER(username) = ? AND password = ?");
   $Result = $DB->SqlGetPreparedLines( array($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']) );
   // Example 2 - Working with named placeholders -------------------------------
   // Preparing a statement for getting a user's session id by
   // username and passwort sent with a POST-Request
   $DB->SqlPrepareStatement("SELECT session FROM tbl_users WHERE LOWER(username) = :user AND password = :pass");
   $Result = $DB->SqlGetPreparedLines( array('user' => $_POST['username'], 'pass' => $_POST['password']) );
   if ($Result === FALSE)
      echo 'Authentification error: ' . $DB->GetLastError();
      $USERSESSION = $Result['session'];
      // [...]
libraries/databaseconnector/practicalexamples.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/31 19:27 by