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DatabaseConnector class

This class provides all methods and functionality for database connections and execution of SQL statements.


__construct() The class constructor with basic settings

Connection methods

Connect() General connection method which uses a DSN string (it's recommended to use the methods below)
ConnectMysql() Establish a connection to a MySql database
ConnectPostgresql() Establish a connection to a Postgresql database
ConnectSqlite2() Establish a connection to a Sqlite2 database
ConnectSqlite3() Establish a connection to a Sqlite3 database
Disconnect() Disconnects the current database connection

Connection information methods

GetAvailableDrivers() Returns information about what PDO drivers are supported/installed on the server
GetDBType() Returns the name of the currently used database driver
GetLastError() Returns the last occured error message
IsConnected() Checks if a database is currently connected

Transaction methods

TransactionStart() Starts a transaction (if the database supports it)
TransactionCommit() Executes a commit on the currently running transaction
TransactionRollback() Executes a rollback on the currently running transaction
GetTransactionLevel() Returns the level of the running transaction (if nested)

Query execution methods

SqlExecute() Executes a SQL query without expecting a return value
SqlExecutePrepared() Executes a prepared SQL statement without expecting a return value
SqlGetExecutionTime() Returns the duration of the last executed SQL query in milliseconds
SqlGetFirstLine() Executes a query and returns the first row of the result as array of strings
SqlGetFirstLineAsObject() Executes a query and returns the first row of the result as array of PHP objects
SqlGetFirstPreparedLine() Executes a prepared statement and returns the first row of the result as array of strings
SqlGetFirstPreparedLineAsObject() Executes a prepared statement and returns the first row of the result as array of PHP objects
SqlGetNextLine() Returns the next row of the result as array of strings
SqlGetNextLineAsObject() Returns the next row of the result as array of PHP objects
SqlGetNextPreparedLine() Returns the next row of the prepared statement's result as array of strings
SqlGetNextPreparedLineAsObject() Returns the next row of the prepared statement's result as array of PHP objects
SqlGetLastInsertId() Returns the ID, that was created with the last inserted dataset
SqlGetLines() Executes a query and returns the result as array or strings
SqlGetLinesAsObject() Executes a query and returns the result as array of PHP objects
SqlGetPreparedLines() Executes a prepared statement and returns the result as array of strings
SqlGetPreparedLinesAsObject() Executes a prepared statement and returns the result as array of PHP objects
SqlHasResult() Checks if the SELECT statement would return at least one result
SqlPrepareStatement() Prepares an SQL statement with placeholders
SqlBindPreparedParam() Binds a variable to a prepared statement by reference
SqlBindPreparedValue() Binds a variable to a prepared statement by value
libraries/databaseconnector/databaseconnectorclass.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/31 14:05 by